Jeremy sporting a beard! Wow just yesterday it was legos and air guns.
Brandon got his mission call to Poland, and Jeremy got his mission call to Belgium.
Brooke at her track meet
My daughter-in-law Erin, and Brooke
Brandon lifting. Brandon Jeremy lifting. Brad and Brooke! Don't strain too hard Brad, she's as light as a feather! Sisters, Sisters! Introducing our latest family member Erin. Such a cutie. What a handsome couple! God's greatest gift to me! Snitch and Brooke Brooke and Jeremy Look at those eyes! My four great kids! The last house we lived in together.
Took a beautiful day trip with Nathan Aiwohi to Zions. The weather was perfect and the leaves were turning. Hiked up to Emerald pools and then ate a great dinner at Oscars. Then played an hour of pickle ball after. Unfortunately my flash wasn't working so the pictures are dark of Nate and I - Darn.
They took the Gold in the Huntsman games. Arlene Hart, and pal Gino (who got me started), not bad for 75 years old. Arlene is my role model. She was also nominated best dressed on courts by her fans. Nolan Adams and The Gold Medal Champ. in his age group. He's 84 and said he won by default because there was no one alive to challenge him. Bradley alias "Beuford" Eyers trying out pickle ball for the first time in cowboy boots. Great shot of Nolan in his dress attire. Just perfect for the court.
I was born and raised in Portland, Oregon. I was blessed to have a wonderful and stable childhood. I grew up in the gospel of Jesus Christ, and my faith as a Latter Day Saint is of the utmost importance to me, but it developed as I questioned and sought for answers. Yes the Lord does indeed answer prayers.
I married the man of my dreams in July and have found such joy sharing everyday with him. He is a blessing in my life and I love him so much.
I have 4 wonderful kids and am so proud of them.
My life is so complete and I count my blessings everyday.