My fellow bunk mates. Managed to sleep well despite the kicking and snoring, not me of course.

New Zealand ice cream Yum!

Guys verses girls. Girls ahead, no contest!

Huntington beach, Rubies on the pier in background.

Hawaiian restaurant, great food.

I had the macadamia nut blueberry pancakes. Delish!

California Adventure, Aymee and Addie.

Sisters, Sisters, there could never be a better sister. God bless the mister that comes between me and my sister, but God bless the sister, that comes between me and my man!

Steph, Aymee, and Ter

Artis, Emmie, Jim, Aymee, Zac and Addie, Katie and Lochlan

Lochy and I watching a show.

He was mesmerized.

So was I.

Zac and I at parade

Yes Katie Emmie was too young to see that!

Steph, Aymee and Addie at parade

Artis and Katie.

So much to see.

Lochy didn't know what to think!

Lochy's favorite car!

Cute Addie.

Aymee and Addie killing time during a break in the parade.

The new UP movie float. Looks like fun.

The gang waiting for the parade! I always post in reverse, oh well.

My new pal Artis with Jim in background. Jim we won't mention your senior moment, but you got Artis and I both crying (literally) with laughter.

Little Locky.

More fun.

Addie loved the rides and never wanted them to quit.

Eric and Steph. They needed a bath after this, you know Disney has smell a vision.

Zac with his Micky cookie, he threw a fit until Ter bought him one, then he wouldn't even share. Ha!

Eating our sour dough bread bowl salads. More great food.

Couldn't resist, reminds me of someone.

Cuddling little Emily, what a cutie, and she was so good the whole trip.

Addie and Steph counting the bubbles.

Addie and Steph.

Eric and Steph at the Cars exibit.

Such a cute family.

Stac and little Miles at the pool party, they had to leave before Calif. Adventure, we missed them.

McKenna (LeeAnn's daughter) and I.

My forever best friend LeeAnn.

More eating.

Hold it steady there Eric.

Taste good Steph? The fun and the food never ended.