Memories of my childhood were secure and carefree. I was blessed to have a great father and mother and two special sisters. We had many happy times together. Dad provided a home of peace and laughter, while mom always kept a house of order and safety.
Growing up all our friends enjoyed hanging out with the Stratfords. The doors were always open and welcoming. Mom and dad had many wonderful friends and I remember spending hours playing games in the basement with all the kids, while the adults visited without interruption upstairs. Some of the games we played were tiger, hide and seek, hide the button, dancing contests, cards and board games. Holidays were especially fun spending time with other family members, friends, food and fun. One of dad's favorite passtimes was to get out the slides and show them on the big screen. He'd make sure to throw in a few embarrising pictures to get a good laugh as well.
Since becoming an adult myself, several of my friends and some family members have told me that my house was a refuge for them and a place to see what a stable home should feel like. When I was young I just assumed that all families were like ours. Sadly that isn't always the case, and that makes me all the more grateful for what I had, and for what everyone else also deserves.
You really did have a wonderful fam. and life growing up! Cherish that forever! I love you!