Now back across the pond for more pictures of Brad.

These were some of the goodies Brad got from members on Christmas 2008. He fell in love with the European chocolate.
Brad served in the Birmingham England Mission from February 2006 to February 2008

At Christmas the mission had two seperate celebrations. Brad is somewhere in this picture.

His first apartment, or flat I should say.

My dream car!

His dream car!

Memories anyone?

Being from the NW, Brad loved the climate there and felt right at home.

One of his baptisms.

P-day in purple, what was that about? Hum?!!!!

Brad lived in a posh house in March, England. Nice car too. He now has to get used to the right side of the road again. Watch out for a driver in the left lane!!!!

They held a Zone Conf. on the highest hill in England. He said it was a very spiritual experience.

Brad found this doll head while tracting one day and left it on a members doorstep named Chris, he was buddies with him. In retaliation, Chris and his companion planned this little prank. They taped the dolls head to the window, and when Brad opened it up he got a big surprise. I wish I could have heard his classic scream that we all enjoyed so much at home.

Notice all the Ben and Jerry's? I thought they were supposed to be on a budget.

The town of March, England

This is the river where Brad found a dead body, he later referred to as BOB, even though it was a woman. She was just bobbing there in the water. He became famously know throughout the mission as the Elder who found a dead person . Turns out there wasn't any foul play, just an old women that fell in the river.

Celebrating his Birthday.

His new companion.

Ohhhhhh . . . I ate to much Birthday cake.

A fun P-day with his comp. and the infamous Chris Flattery (green ball).

Uno the game all missionarys become experts at, even in England.

Wipe out!

Another P-day playing footie, what's with the Elders in all the pink? Hard to miss.

Early basketball hoop? Or lamp post? Bird's nest? Time out for a toddler?

The only person willing to listen to a discussion that day.

The Manchester temple with his comp. from the MTC in Manchester.

Elder Lewis from Sweden far back right, and the Linai family from Brazil.

His drink fell out of the bag exploding on him.

Only a few inches that day!

Who's the bad guy and who's the good guy?

Cute pictures! So excited to have him home. What a wonderful mission, so beautiful. Laurie, you look so GOOD!